New Articles

  1. Creating a Campaign Request

    Campaigns are comprised of multiple projects to create multiple deliverables. Campaign requests are submitted through campaign forms that allow the requester to request multiple deliverables within one request. Use the visual below to understand the...
  2. Release Notes - July 12, 2021

    Improvements  File names will now wrap in the Complete Request Modal, making it easy to know which files to mark as Deliverables.  Feeling nostalgic? Here's what we released... Six months ago: Automatic Date Calculation...
  3. Proofing Best Practices ✔️

    Getting proofs approved is the biggest bottleneck to getting creative work out to the market. Streamlining this process is essential to the creative workflow and helps you get back to doing what you love - creating! Read on to learn our best practic...
  4. Managing Custom Fields

    Custom fields enable you to add unique text fields in order to track valuable project details that are unique to your process and line of business.
  5. Migrating Work Items from inMotion Classic

    This guide is for users of our inMotion Classic platform who are migrating their work data into Lytho Workflow.
  6. Moving a Task to a Project

    If you have a task that you would like to associate with a project or move to a different project, use the link to project feature.
  7. Priorities

    Communicating the relative importance of all the work your team is juggling is paramount to achieving alignment within your organization and managing your team’s ability to produce desired outcomes. Now you can easily assign the appropriate le...
  8. Release Notes - June 21, 2021

    New Features  Priorities*  Not sure what to work on next? Communicating the relative importance of all the work your team is juggling is paramount to achieving alignment within your organization and managing your team’s ability t...
  9. Release Notes - June 7, 2021

    Improvements  My Reviews page now displays the review status, making it easy to know the approval status of returned reviews. Quickly identify which work items are overdue in custom table views! Now any Due Date & Time that occur...
  10. Specialties

    The Specialties feature in inMotion ignite allows you to quickly find and assign the right people to work based on the skills needed to complete the tasks at hand. Power up project templates by using Specialties to effortlessly bulk assign work item...