Requests Reportmail_outline

Gain a deeper understanding of your intake process with the Requests Report. Evaluate request volume by requester or request time, look for seasonal spikes in volume, or identify process improvement opportunities by understanding how long it takes team members to accept a request or send the first proof out for review.

Available Columns & Filters

Available ColumnsAvailable Filters
Accepted Date✔ (Selected by Default)
Archived Status
Associated Work Members
Associated Work Name
Associated Work Status
Associated Work Type
Completed Date✔ (Selected by Default)
Created Date✔ (Selected by Default)
Due Date✔ (Selected by Default)
Level of Effort
Request Acceptor Name
Request Duration✔ (Selected by Default)
Request Form
Request Name✔ (Selected by Default)
Request Status✔ (Selected by Default)
Request Accepted by✔ (Selected by Default)
Submitted Date✔ (Selected by Default)
Time from Acceptance to First Proof
Time from Request to Acceptance
Time Tracked (%)
Total Time Tracked

Duration Definitions

Duration Metrics are calculated every day at 6am and 6pm EDT

Request Duration: The total amount of time starting when a request is created and ending when it is marked as “Completed."