


Creating a Campaign
Get started by creating a campaign.
Creating a Campaign Request
Campaigns are comprised of multiple projects to create multiple deliverables. Campaign requests are submitted through campaign forms that allow the requester to request multiple deliverables within one request. Use the visual below to understand the...
Accepting a Campaign Request
Learn how to view and accept new campaign requests.
Cascading Custom Fields When Accepting Campaign Requests
NOTE: Campaigns are only available to Business and Enterprise Tiers Save time at request intake, prevent data entry errors, and make reporting even more useful by indicating which campaign custom fields' data should be inherited by the projects...
Editing Campaign Details
Customize your campaign details to manage status, due date, team members and more!
Campaign Work Groups
Set up work groups to categorize your campaign work in a way that is intuitive and easy to manage.
Managing Campaign Files
Learn more about how to upload, manage and version campaign files.
Campaign Collaboration
Throughout the system, you can collaborate with other users by commenting, replying and @mentioning on requests, campaigns, projects, tasks, and proofs.
Deleting a Campaign
How to permanently delete a campaign.