Upgrading from inMotion Classic

Upgrading from inMotion Classic to Lytho Workflow? This section's for you!


 Ensure a Successful Migration
Welcome to Lytho Workflow! We've put together a list of resources to guide you through each phase of your team's migration, starting with a quick overview of what the process entails.
 Configure Your Account
As you begin configuring your Workflow account, use these resources to guide you through each step.
 Create Your Templates
This week is all about templates! Having rock-solid templates from the start will save you and your team a lot of time and effort in the long run.
 Update Your Request Forms
Since you're already a pro at forms, we're letting you off easy this week with just a couple of resources to check out!
Train Your Teams & Upgrade!
As you get ready to roll out Lytho Workflow, we've compiled these resources for you to share with your stakeholders and team members to help get them up to speed.
Go Live!!
You've crossed the finish line! Now that you're up and running in Lytho Workflow, we have some final resources to help you tie up loose ends on your migration.
Differences between inMotion Classic and Lytho Workflow
There are some key differences between inMotion Classic and inMotion ignite, particularly when it comes to how work is created from requests as well as feature terminology.
Migrating Work Items from inMotion Classic
This guide is for users of our inMotion Classic platform who are migrating their work data into Lytho Workflow.